Wednesday 8 July 2015

World Cup 'Beach Rugby Tournament' - 8.7.15

The Rugby World Cup came to Exmouth today and in its honour all the local primary schools took part in a fabulous tag-rugby event on the beach!

The Brixington team included twelve boys and girls from Y4&5 and they competed very well. They lost only one game, to the eventual winners, so narrowly missed out on progressing to the final stages. However, all the children played brilliantly on the sand and will enjoy wearing their 'World Cup' t-shirts, which they can keep as a momento.
What a team!
Our team having a breif sit down...

Saturday 4 July 2015

Cricket sessions at Brixington: July 2015

We are very pleased that Marques, a talented cricketer from Barbados, who is currently working with Exmouth Cricket Club is coaching the children cricket during our PE sessions. He is sharing his passion and knowledge of the game with all the children in the school during the last weeks of term. The children love the fun sessions delivered by Marques in his unique style, with the support of the class teachers.

Thank you for inspiring so many to enjoy the game of cricket Marques!

Sports day @ Brixington: 1st July

On Thursday 1st July, at Brixington we enjoyed an action packed day of sport. The younger children in the school started the sports in the morning and competed in a variety of events including sprints, sack and egg and spoon races.

After a picnic lunch involving children, parents and teachers, the older children took to the track and took part in running, jumping and throwing events. The climax to the sports day were the relay races, followed by the traditional toddlers and parent races.

It was a really fun day for all!

More dance in Year 1 & 2:

Recently, Emily Cane visited our school again to share her expertise in dance with the children and teachers in Years 1 & 2. Continuing the topic of 'Animals', the children had a great time creating fabulous dances. We look forward to Emily working with us again next year.